Intercultural and Linguistic Awareness Seminars

Those working on projects, in international teams, in multinational companies   Can be run for mono-lingual groups or for multi-lingual teams. 

B2-C2 (Council of Europe Language levels)

Developing linguistic and cultural awareness for international organisations is a highly cost-effective solution when many hours can be wasted because of avoidable misunderstandings. We run two/three hour seminars for companies which need to work internationally in English.  Send us your enquiry

Some feedback from participants who attended a recent set of seminars in the UK.

"really useful, interesting and fun session this morning".


"  would be useful at the start of any project particularly for those people who have not had any exposure to staff from other countries from a business perspective".


"it was very entertaining & enjoyable.  Ian is exceptionally clear as you'd expect.     Has it made an impact? For sure, I am very conscious of my style, both written & by telephone".


"Thought the session was very useful".


"I really enjoyed it and found it very useful, not to mention thought provoking!"


"It was good fun and very interesting and gave us a lot to think about!"


"  the linguistic session brought home to me how important it is for us native English speakers to be considerate to non native speakers and also gave tips on how to do this.  The understanding that language and translation can give rise to incorrect cultural assumptions (e.g. directness) was an eye opener for me".


"Thanks very much for organising and facilitating the session yesterday, which I found extremely useful and thought-provoking....   I'd be more than happy to attend any future sessions, country-specific or not"