Ian Badger has written over 30 books for business and general learners of English which are available worldwide. These include a multilevel course for business-orientated learners, speaking and writing skills materials and materials which focus on authentic listening. His publishers have included Macmillan, Prentice Hall, Longman, Marshall Cavendish, Penguin, Pearson, Cengage/National Geographic Learning, Harper Collins/Collins ELT, Eli (Italy), Hueber Verlag, Langenscheidt and Ernst Klett Sprachen.
Please click on the titles on the left for more information and links to Amazon.
If you have difficulty sourcing any of Ian Badger's published materials, please write to and we will try to help!
For information about the revised booklet 'Business English Phrases 1' with and without Polish translations of key terms, go to the Business English Phrases page.